Monday, March 22, 2021

You won't always like them, but you love them any how....


This weekend I irritated the hell out of Dre. I told my friend about it and she asked, “What did you do?” and I responded, “Talked back”. Sometimes when he’s in a mood he just wants me to be quiet and at times I’m combative about it. There are many days that we just need individual solitude. I didn’t support his need of it this weekend and I apologized because it’s important. We aren’t perfect. Some days (as somewhat depicted in this image) I’m not even in the mood to kiss him because he’s probably gotten on my tenth nerve, but what I’ve learned is how to love him anyway. That is how I define unconditional love. Loving in spite of myself or my mood!

Monday, March 1, 2021

No one wins when the family feuds.....


Let’s talk blended families. This weekend, Dre’s ex wife and I planned and executed a successful family vacation! This was literally our highlight of February! Dre’s son lives in Philadelphia with his mom and siblings. We are blessed that she is always open to and allows him to spend summers and holidays with us here in Chicago. There has never been a barrier that existed between our relationship and for that I am BLESSED! These kids experienced not only the magic of Disney but the magic that exist when coparenting is done properly! Our son even cried out of excitement. Having his entire family together at Disney gave him great joy! Mission Accomplished! I could not ask to be apart of a better blended family. I use to pray for this before I even met my husband because I have seen with my own eyes what the latter looks like. It is true: NOBODY WINS WHEN THE FAMILY FEUDS! ❤️ I’m sure you all have a lot of questions and I am open to answering them all! Please comment or inbox me! We are an open book! #blacklove #blacklovematters #blacklovedoc #blackloveisreal #blackfamily #coparent #comommie #bonusmomlife